Our gourmet recipe ideas.

Let yourself be inspired by our culinary suggestions and transform every meal into a gastronomic experience worthy of a five-star restaurant. At Maille, we take pride in contributing to your most delicious and innovative creations. Join us in the art of distinguished cooking.

Poulet crémeux à la moutarde de Dijon et pommes de terre tout-en-un
One Pan Creamy Dijon Chicken and Potatoes
Salade de choux de Bruxelles, vinaigrette cidre moutarde par
Brussels Sprout Salad with Cider Mustard Dressing
Tandoori Rack of Lamb with Maille Dijon
Roasted Spatchcock Chicken
Maille Mustard Canadian Butter Tart by Romain Avril
Maille Mustard Canadian Butter Tart
Crunchy Air Fryer Mac & Cheese Bites By Sonia Wong
Crunchy Air Fryer Mac & Cheese Bites
Cheese and Mustard Gougères
Cheese and Mustard Gougères
Choux de Bruxelles Glacés au Miel et à la Moutarde Dijon
Honey Dijon Glazed Brussels Sprouts
Maille Shakshuka
Maille Shakshuka
Dijon Crusted Turkey Stuffing Rolls
Dijon Crusted Turkey Stuffing Rolls
Maille Christmas Chicken
Maille Christmas Chicken
Salade de Chou Frisé aux Agrumes et Vinaigrette à l'Orange Maille
Maille Holiday Kale Salad with Orange Vinaigrette